The music of Sri Chinmoy

Sri Chinmoy wrote several thousand songs in his life; most of them in Bengali and English. In his free peace concerts, with which Sri Chinmoy first began in 1984 in Cologne, Sri Chinmoy played mostly on 10 to 20 different instruments from around the world. It was important for him to create a spiritual atmosphere and thus to strengthen people’s awareness of the importance of peace and friendship. Sri Chinmoy did not see himself as a master of many instruments, rather than someone who understands a little bit about them. He gladly used all the means at his disposal to express the feelings of peace and closeness. According to Sri Chinmoy, soulful music is an instrument of God that can bring people together.

Audio sample: Sri Chimoys flute playing

More music of Sri Chinmoy (also streaming channels) on
His music is also available on iTunes